Monday, August 15, 2011

NTS&B Accessory Buttons

Some things take up a lot of time to do, but don't really show up as progress on the layout. Switches to operate accessories are in this catagory. This month I added 8 new buttons, for a grand total of 18 buttons. In most cases, the buttons are overridden by slide switches at the control panels, for my viewing pleasure when no one is around to push the buttons.

Monday, August 1, 2011

NTS&B Subway Signals

Quite a while ago, I came up with a simple LED circuit to use as block signals in my underground loops. The first one worked perfectly, then remaining kept blowing LEDs. I finally figured out that I had to add a resistore on the track side for that problem, but then one LED stayed lit. This turned out to be caused by the operating voltage being much higher than the track voltage. Once I set them about the same, everything started working, and I fixed the other 3 to match. Here is pictures of two of them. The boxes are made from extra battery holders from $1 Tree Accessories.